

The University of Parma, together with the CUS – University Sports Centre, promotes well-being and healthy lifestyles by encouraging students to practise sports at all levels and provides access to structured programmes in different sports. Every year, the CUS offers students courses in different sport disciplines for both amateurs and professionals (aerobics&fitness, martial arts, gym, golf, swimming, volleyball, basketball, pre-skiing training, tennis, athletics, judo, triathlon) and organizes competitions (five-a-side football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, golf, athletics).


Sport Facilities

Al Campus universitario, inoltre, gli studenti hanno a disposizione numerosi impianti sportivi:

2 palestre per pallacanestro e pallavolo;

1 pista di atletica leggera a 6 corsie;

3 campi da tennis;

2 impianti polivalenti;

5 campi da calcio a cinque (4 campi in erba sintetica e 1 in erba naturale all’aperto, 2 coperti);

1 rettilineo coperto per atletica leggera;

1 campo da pallacanestro all’aperto;

2 palestre per potenziamento muscolare;

1 palestra per aerobica;

1 campo da golf a sei buche con annesso campo pratica;

1 sala judo;

3 campi calcio.


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