Department of Humanities, Social Science and Cultural Industries
What is DUSIC? The Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Industries (DUSIC) was born in 2017 from the merging of the existing departments that had evolved from the previous Faculty of Philosophy and Letters. It embraces the legacy of these departments and in particular their rich and articulate methods of research, study and knowledge dissemination. The Department is the core and fundamental reference point in the University of Parma for research in the fields of humanities, social sciences and the creative arts.
Mission The Department fosters:
Together with research and teaching activities, the Department is committed to promoting public engagement, in order to share the results of the research projects with the largest number of people and institutions. Scientific and cultural dissemination activities are permanently organized through shows, exhibitions, concerts, conferences and seminars open to the public, life-long learning and capacity building courses, film festivals, theatre workshops, etc.
Organization The Department is organized into eight research and teaching sections:
The following degree courses are offered by the Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Industries: First Cycle Degree
Second Cycle Degree
Post-graduate courses Oltre ai corsi di laurea triennale e specialistica, il DUSIC offre molte attività di formazione post-lauream (master universitari di I e II livello, dottorati di ricerca, corsi di perfezionamento e molto altro).
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